

Lovely private elopement at University of Toronto

In the midst of  'bigger' weddings, here is a lovely couple from New Zealand, and we had a super little wedding on a spring day, just on Philosopher's walk... it's the funny time between end of school and summer classes, and the weather was lovely, and the few passersby just smiled at us.  Note:  always take photos of small elopements, it's additional 'proof' of a non - traditional wedding.  We took pix of us signing the Marriage License sitting on the little stone amphitheatre behind the Faculty of Music.
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 .....and then the next week....---->

We used the little amphitheatre again -  for another little private wedding, just the couple and their families.  Music camp was out, so there were no kids rolling down the hill on their break (tho I think Sports Camp was running strong at Trinity!).   Passersby were very kindly, and it was pretty cheery all around.  I don't think the people sitting on the benches up the path even knew what was happening, tho' a few cyclists stopped to grin and wave.    The squirrels were also interested, I think....