We often marry people from different cultural & faith backgrounds. My first wedding ceremony, 15 years ago, was Jewish and Catholic, at the UN. Which we call a 'New York wedding'. Since then, we've married Hindu and Jewish, Buddhist and Jewish, Atheist and Protestant, Mormon and Catholic, Muslim and Catholic, Jain and Atheist, Shinto and Greek Orthodox, Korean and Japanese, Russian and Irish, German and Chinese, Filipino and Indian, Celt and Trinidanian, Pagan and Catholic - and many more combinations.
Please note, that we can certainly include cultural traditions, but we do not perform religious traditions ourselves. We have co-officiated with spiritual leaders (especially if you have a friend or family member who would like to participate), and welcome a discussion about your wishes to honour your cultures.
Here is a wedding we did on the Toronto islands for couples from different backgrounds:
"....Conrady, 33, is originally from Germany. Chaoui, 36, is from Lebanon. “We are part of an international culture,” explained Chaoui in an interview before the wedding. “We did not want to be bound by traditions. We did not try to satisfy any vision of how it should be,” she said. “We did not want it to be conformist and we wanted it to be affordable and fun. We are not rooted in any particular culture. We could have adopted North American traditions or German or Lebanese – but they are not really ours. We are a cultural hybrid.”
For example, in the Lebanese culture traditions are varied, she explains. “It is an eclectic country,” says Chaoui. “Often people spend a fortune on weddings. And the invitations to the festivities are very open. They are less structured. Everyone in the village is invited. There’s traditional folk dancing and belly dancing.” Conrady, as well, says typical weddings in Germany are large, open affairs.
By contrast, their Ward Island wedding was intentionally small, intimate and economical. Beaty was recruited because the couple appreciates humanist ideals. “We wanted everything relaxed and open-minded,” says Conrady."
Unusual transportation wedding venues: Boats, Trains, Planes and Aeroplanes - and Streetcars

The official Provincial registry does not (yet) use GPS coordinates for the legal location of your wedding, nor latitude and longitude. That's why you can get married ON a boat, but you have to sign the papers on land at the dock. You can have your ceremony underwater, but you have to do the legal bits on land. We have married people in boats, on rooftops, and on the train, in a special car set up with a SpeakEasy bar. But once we alight from the fun place, we must sit down and do the legal parts at a (non-moving) legal address.
I lose my mind and my lunch on roller coasters, and will NOT marry you on a ride at Canada's wonderland . I have piloted a plane, but decided not to skyjump out of one. It's too hard to HEAR in a helicopter. I love boats, and I like horses (and love Riverdale Farm, for instance!) so canoes are a definite possibility. I like hiking, and would consider remote parts of the Scarborough Bluffs, and hiking trails. But I have friends with Lyme disease, and I won't venture into tick-infested groves. No matter how idyllic.
So - leave something for the honeymoon, in terms of adventure and escape - but plan your wedding elopement in a location with an address, a view, and a minimum of moving parts.
UPDATE: Yes, we had a nice wedding on a Mariposa Cruise Line Yacht in July. We signed the papers while docked, and performed the ceremony at the Island lagoon - then I caught a water taxi and came back to Queen's Quay. A bit windy, and the party boat that crossed our bow during the ceremony was annoying, though everyone yelled "congratulations". But it's an option...

Get out and sign papers on the group photo break! This was fun, but you have to rent a loudspeaker amp - you can't use the TTC one.
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